The inaugural International Green Money Conference 2009 has been announced by the Founder Michael L. Padurano. The event is being held November 12 through 15, 2009 in Moura, Portugal. The event is being organized by Environmental Networking, Lda. and The International Green Summit, Inc. who are trusted friends of elleven consulting goup and have been fundamental in aligning environmental projects with funding around the world.
The inaugural event is being held in Moura, Portugal. Moura is one of the most environmental and sustainable regions in the world. Portugal is home to the largest hydroelectric dam in Europe and the largest Photovoltaic solar field in the world. Moura is a leader in implementing ecologically minded economic infrastructure and we are pleased to highlight these technologies to countries around the globe going as to how to make change happen.
This is a unique opportunity for green energy manufacturers to showcase their technologies or projects in front of environmental investors and decision/policy makers from around the world. They will have a chance to sit down after their presentation on a one on one basis to make deals happen. The International Green Money Conference will bring together all sides of ecologically minded businesses to stimulate funding opportunities, implementation and education.
Attendees should be green investors such as Hedge Funds, Mutual Funds, investment companies, CEOs, Sustainability Professionals, Entrepreneurs, Business Development Professionals, Marketing & Public Relations Professionals, Academics, Policy & Government Officials, and individuals that are interested in investing in the Green Movement.
All participants will also have access to the International Green Summit 2010 VIP red carpet launch party which will be on top of Castle de Moura, November 14, 2009. In April 2010, the International Green Summit will also be held in Moura, in order to create awareness and educate the populations, to influence the political processes and to develop an earth friendly eco-system.
“Awareness creates Knowledge, Knowledge creates Change”.
For more information on the International Green Money Conference 2009 please visit their websites.
Content for this article provided by: Michael L. Padurano
The International Green Summit
Cell. 1-561-809-1671
eFax. 1-561-258-8185